June 14, 2011

Pleasant Hills Stables

Tony and I went horseback riding at Pleasant Hills Stable in Port Crane, NY.  I hadn't been riding since the last time we went to Pocono Manor and Tony had never been horseback riding before.  There were only 4 of us going out and Tony and I were bringing up the rear.  I was riding Judy and Tony was on Mister.  It looked like it was going to storm but we went anyways.  Right after we headed out, it started to pour!  How upsetting.  I thought it was going to be miserable but it really wasn't that bad.  Yes we were soaked.  Yes we couldn't feel our hands.  Was it worth it?  Absolutely.  We got to go through the woods and even trot a little.  It's really beautiful up in NY.  Judy was awesome to ride because she wasn't like most trail horses where they just follow the one in front of them.  She needed direction so I wasn't bored at all.  All in all, it was a great experience.  They do overnight trips which I would love to do sometime!  I forgot how much I love being around horses and riding.  Maybe it will turn into my grown-up hobby?

Tony and Mister



  1. I miss riding with you in the Poconos!! Glad you had fun :)

  2. I like your blog....thanks for doing the 'Goodbye Montefiore'
    Love you
